not typical, not peculiar . . . just ordinary

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Our Next President--Barack Obama

For me, this day, this night, was a demonstration of all that is good about America. It was about loving our neighbor, about seeking something higher than our own self-interests, about the reality that God has created all of us brothers and sisters. The speeches by both McCain and Obama gave testimony to and called us forward into a future where we are not identified by our differences but rather known for our charity and unity.

I believe this brings us much closer to the intent for this nation of our country's forefathers. More importantly, I believe it brings us that much closer to the message of Christ and God's intent for us as His beloved creation. Of course my hope for our country and indeed our world rests firmly upon God and His mercy in Christ, but my heart cries out "Yes!" when I catch a glimpse, as I did tonight, be it ever so faint, of the image of God in humanity--of people of all colors and ages, incomes and cultures, hoping and pledging to sacrifice for each other and a better tomorrow.

I know Barack Obama will not be able to fix everything. I know I will disagree fundamentally with him on certain, if not many, issues. But I believe, and want to believe, that He will bring an end to the hatred and fear and partisanship that have divided us from one another and prohibited us from accomplishing great things. And that gives me great hope.

Hear me clearly, Christ is our Lord and King. We ought not put our complete trust in any other but Him. Nevertheless, we live in a world that needs good men and women who will call us to live for something greater than ourselves. Perhaps Barack Obama will be one of them.

May God give him wisdom and grace--and may he listen and lead justly.

1 comment:

Just A Girl said...

Wow, thanks for posting that!I really agree with you. A lot of people at my school have been very negative about our new president. But, personally, i see it as a new beginning. I don't agree with Obama on abortion, but i'm proud to have a president that can unite our country.